
This part shows the reflections on our design and components/parts selected, including advantages/disadvantages, whether we would recommend a similar design to future teams, and other design approaches/components we might try next time.


I think the robotic arm kit we have chosen is a good starting point for a similar project. It is easy to assemble, works stably, and has matching motors, motor driver boards, rechargeable batteries, assembly and basic usage tutorial, etc.

And one more important point, this kit only cost $70, which is almost the best choice within the acceptable budget range. The kit allowed us to spend little time on the mechanical structures, as time is very tight, and focused more on the design of other features, such as image processing. Although the kit has some problems, for example, the power of the motors is small; the nuts at the joints of the mechanical arm will become loosen due to movement.

If time permits, we can learn technologies, such as laser cutting and 3D printing, to design better mechanical structures. But overall, I think we were successful in choosing such a kit. I would recommend it to other groups doing similar projects if they have limited time and similar budgets.